I Am

Victoria Rego
3 min readApr 27, 2021
Photo by Christiaan Huynen on Unsplash

“I am”, two of the most powerful words created no matter the language used. The words that follow these two can create your reality, impact the outcome any situation, lift you up or tear you down. They are in essence a spell that we cast upon ourselves. Like The Magician in tarot, we are the creators of our worlds and what we think to be, becomes a reality, one of many.

We must first understand that reality is subjective, this is why siblings can provide very different images of their childhood, why two people involved in the same event can tell completely different stories, and each person reading this will give a different response if asked about this article, will provide different feedback. It is even why reiki works differently for everyone. Reality is relative, what is wonderful and powerful for one individual, is the most dreadful experience for another. Which is why we must understand that the word “I am” create the words that follow.

We see this in religion, in philosophy, in meditations. In the bible when Moses asked God his name, the response was “I am”. Rene Descartes said “Cogito, ergo sum” — I think therefore I am. Ram Dass reminded us of who we are with his meditation I am loving awareness. These two words have so much power within them because they give power to the words that follow them.



Victoria Rego

Reiki Master, tarot reader, poet. Inspired by love and intuition. Words that cast spells on souls and flow with energy healing.